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Appeal for Funds

The Institute for Venture Science affords our donors an opportunity to not only to change the world, but also to witness that change and its effects during their lifetimes. We anticipate an outpouring of true, paradigm-changing scientific breakthroughs, which will provide timely solutions to the problems that now threaten our world’s very survival. Your contributions will leave significant and lasting legacies — gifts to mankind that you will be proud to have supported.
We are seeking initial funding for developing our infrastructure and beginning our operation. While our ultimate goal is an endowment in the billions, our immediate goal is relatively modest. One million dollars will put us into operation. Five million dollars will expand our operation to the point at which we can begin making a difference. Ten million dollars will make us fully operational for the next two years, and well poised to build the IVS into a major world force.
A 501 (c)(3) tax-exempt entity has been applied for to receive donations.
We would happily discuss details as to how we intend to use your visionary donation to help launch this important endeavor.


For further information please contact Mr. Harold Graham at or by phone at 917.861.1835.


Donations may be made by clicking the DONATE button above or by the following methods:

By Check: The Institute for Venture Science
c/o Frank T. Costanzo
2428 Prairie Dunes
Clermont, FL 34711
phone: 602.315.8570
By Wire: please contact 

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